
Stop Motion Animation of Falling

It was not easy. I chose a more complex object to do this stop-motion animation: a stuffed Goofy. Planning for animation took alot of time: set up, lighting, and techniques. I animated straight form the set, and I had to come to the set to adjust each movement for each frame. I tried not to touch anything beside the object, but it was not easy so do so. The most difficult task was that I animated the object hanging on the air. I used very small string tied to the stick hang on the top, and the other side I tied to the object. I adjust the position of the objcet based on the reference, which I shot a day before. After taking all the photographs, I use an edit software (Adobe Premiere) to put the photographs together, and adjust timing, added blur affect, and erased some visual strings or unwanted objects in the frames. The whole process took me about a day to complete.  

1 comment:

  1. Really well done. The anticipation before the push is great, and adding the blur makes the fall far more realistic. Several people commented to me that their stop motion fall didn't look "realistic" which is probably because they didn't have blur.

    Your comment about the fact this took about a day helps me appreciate how much work and time must go into making stop motion features, like Wallace and Grommit. Just incredible.

    20 points.
